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Service is not work – Service is an opportunity
I recently heard a great analogy about being in A.A; it is like having a RV trailer. In the trailer, you’ve got your home group, your sponsor and sponsees, A.A. meetings, the Grapevine and all the A.A. events you regularly attend. Life is good. In the back of the trailer is a door that…
PI/CPC Committee Final Report for 2023
The year 2023 has been outstanding for the Public Information/Cooperating with the Professional Community Committee. The trusted servants who regularly attended meetings and events, were Warren G., Mandy K., Erika S., Roberto C., Pamela R., Richard L., and me. We held 12 monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month via zoom. The addition…
Group Business Meeting: Where A.A. Service Begins
Reprinted from Feb./Mar. 1990 issue of Box 4-5-9. The 85,000 groups comprising A.A. today [108,000 in 2011] hold what co-founder Bill W. called “the ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services.” But where does this ever-lengthening chain of responsibility begin? Who has the authority to make it happen? The entire structure of…
General Service Conference (GSC) Proposed Agenda Item Submission Form
Any member of Alcoholics Anonymous may submit an agenda item for the General Service Conference. Of course, it carries much more weight when it comes from a group, district or area. However, they do get read and anyone can make a difference. If you wish to submit an item for the General Service Conference please…
Benefits of Your Group Being Listed at GSO
(GSO, Area, District, Intergroup) Get Box 459 every other month Have your group listed in Eastern US Directory Have a voice in AA as a whole Get the benefit of the shared experience, strength and hope of 600 groups that are within our area Be connected to thousands of groups across the country Have available…