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Service is not work – Service is an opportunity
I recently heard a great analogy about being in A.A; it is like having a RV trailer. In the trailer, you’ve got your home group, your sponsor and sponsees, A.A. meetings, the Grapevine and all the A.A. events you regularly attend. Life is good. In the back of the trailer is a door that…

We need you, and you need us—Reflections on the 2022 Ohio State Convention
August 9, 2022 I was preparing for my trip to Columbus for the 2022 Ohio State AA General Service Convention when I received a call from a friend who has been newly sober just a few short months after a relapse looking for some adventure either at the Rule 62 Conference or the Ohio State…
Do you know people who know people ??
PI/CPC S.O.L.D. Project …. Service Opportunity, Literature Distribution Your help is needed to make contact with people in the professional community who are willing to receive and make use of A.A. literature for their clients or co-workers or students. In coordination with the PI/CPC Committee Chairperson, the literature will be distributed, in person or by…
Good News from District 28
Volunteers needed in Lebanon and Batavia! Dear friend of District 28 Corrections & Treatment service: Please put the word out that facilities are opening up for AA volunteers to return, and we’re in serious need of volunteers! Warren Correctional Institution (WCI) men’s state prison in Lebanon — I just got the word directly from WCI yesterday that they’re…

District Boundaries in Area 56
District 01: From the intersection of I-275 and the Indiana-Ohio border, Northeast on I-275 to I-74, East on I-74 to I-75, South on I-75 to the Ohio River, West on the Ohio River to the Indiana border, North on the Indiana border to the start point. District 02: From the intersection of I-75 and the…

Is Your Group Listed With G.S.O.?
Box 459 August/September 2006 Issue A.A. “has been called an upside-down organization because the groups are on top and the trustees on the bottom” of the service structure. Singly, each of the nearly 61,000 groups in the United States and Canada is autonomous. Yet paradoxically, when linked together all these groups “hold ultimate responsibility and…

Service is not work – Service is an opportunity
I recently heard a great analogy about being in A.A; it is like having a RV trailer. In the trailer, you’ve got your home group, your sponsor and sponsees, A.A. meetings, the Grapevine and all the A.A. events you regularly attend. Life is good. In the back of the trailer is a door that…

We need you, and you need us—Reflections on the 2022 Ohio State Convention
August 9, 2022 I was preparing for my trip to Columbus for the 2022 Ohio State AA General Service Convention when I received a call from a friend who has been newly sober just a few short months after a relapse looking for some adventure either at the Rule 62 Conference or the Ohio State…
Do you know people who know people ??
PI/CPC S.O.L.D. Project …. Service Opportunity, Literature Distribution Your help is needed to make contact with people in the professional community who are willing to receive and make use of A.A. literature for their clients or co-workers or students. In coordination with the PI/CPC Committee Chairperson, the literature will be distributed, in person or by…
Good News from District 28
Volunteers needed in Lebanon and Batavia! Dear friend of District 28 Corrections & Treatment service: Please put the word out that facilities are opening up for AA volunteers to return, and we’re in serious need of volunteers! Warren Correctional Institution (WCI) men’s state prison in Lebanon — I just got the word directly from WCI yesterday that they’re…

District Boundaries in Area 56
District 01: From the intersection of I-275 and the Indiana-Ohio border, Northeast on I-275 to I-74, East on I-74 to I-75, South on I-75 to the Ohio River, West on the Ohio River to the Indiana border, North on the Indiana border to the start point. District 02: From the intersection of I-75 and the…

Is Your Group Listed With G.S.O.?
Box 459 August/September 2006 Issue A.A. “has been called an upside-down organization because the groups are on top and the trustees on the bottom” of the service structure. Singly, each of the nearly 61,000 groups in the United States and Canada is autonomous. Yet paradoxically, when linked together all these groups “hold ultimate responsibility and…

Service is not work – Service is an opportunity
I recently heard a great analogy about being in A.A; it is like having a RV trailer. In the trailer, you’ve got your home group, your sponsor and sponsees, A.A. meetings, the Grapevine and all the A.A. events you regularly attend. Life is good. In the back of the trailer is a door that…

We need you, and you need us—Reflections on the 2022 Ohio State Convention
August 9, 2022 I was preparing for my trip to Columbus for the 2022 Ohio State AA General Service Convention when I received a call from a friend who has been newly sober just a few short months after a relapse looking for some adventure either at the Rule 62 Conference or the Ohio State…
Do you know people who know people ??
PI/CPC S.O.L.D. Project …. Service Opportunity, Literature Distribution Your help is needed to make contact with people in the professional community who are willing to receive and make use of A.A. literature for their clients or co-workers or students. In coordination with the PI/CPC Committee Chairperson, the literature will be distributed, in person or by…
Good News from District 28
Volunteers needed in Lebanon and Batavia! Dear friend of District 28 Corrections & Treatment service: Please put the word out that facilities are opening up for AA volunteers to return, and we’re in serious need of volunteers! Warren Correctional Institution (WCI) men’s state prison in Lebanon — I just got the word directly from WCI yesterday that they’re…

District Boundaries in Area 56
District 01: From the intersection of I-275 and the Indiana-Ohio border, Northeast on I-275 to I-74, East on I-74 to I-75, South on I-75 to the Ohio River, West on the Ohio River to the Indiana border, North on the Indiana border to the start point. District 02: From the intersection of I-75 and the…

Is Your Group Listed With G.S.O.?
Box 459 August/September 2006 Issue A.A. “has been called an upside-down organization because the groups are on top and the trustees on the bottom” of the service structure. Singly, each of the nearly 61,000 groups in the United States and Canada is autonomous. Yet paradoxically, when linked together all these groups “hold ultimate responsibility and…