Group Business Meeting: Where A.A. Service Begins

Group Business Meeting: Where A.A. Service Begins

  Reprinted from Feb./Mar. 1990 issue of Box 4-5-9. The 85,000 groups comprising A.A. today [108,000 in 2011] hold what co-founder Bill W. called “the ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services.” But where does this ever-lengthening chain of responsibility begin? Who has the authority to make it happen? The entire structure of…

Informed Group Conscience

Informed Group Conscience

HOW TO REACH AN INFORMED GROUP CONSCIENCE Keep the following statements in mind: Responsibility Declaration I am responsible… when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible. A.A. 30th Anniversary Convention, Toronto 1965 ============================================== A Declaration of Unity This we owe…