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Walking with Purpose February 2020 District and Committee News
Awakening District 24 Part 1 Bill W. writes in the Service Manual “…there must be constant communication among all elements of the structure (page S17).” He is referring to the Structure of the Conference – the Upside-Down Tri-angle Organization of Alcoholics Anonymous. When a district is “asleep” the communication channel is broken. Some groups…
Treasury Update . . .
Early in January, based on instructions from the Area Committee, we purchased a license for Quick-books Online for $75 to begin using for the Treasury beginning immediately. In the absence of a Treasurer, Laura G. picked up the group contribution checks from the post office and used QBO to track the contributions, generate deposit summaries…
Message from our Delegate . . .
Hi. My name is Nancy F. and I am your Panel 70 Delegate to the General Service Conference (GSC). In April, I will go to the GSC, carrying the Group Conscience that we will create at the Mini-Conference in March. I will connect Southwest Ohio with the rest of AA in the U.S. and Canada….
From the Editor . . .
Welcome to the relaunch of the Area 56 newsletter Walking with Purpose! Our Area Inventories have been consistent in stating the need for more and bet-ter communication between the Area service struc-ture and the AA groups it serves. If there is any news you feel should be included, if you have any questions or comments,…
Area 56 Mission Statement . . .
Southwest Ohio Area 56 is a spiritual entity with a threefold mission in support of AA’s primary purpose: To nurture communication among and foster participation within all elements of the General Service structure, thereby ensuring the formation of an informed group con-science, To facilitate Twelfth Step work within South-west Ohio as guided by the Twelve…