Dear Members of Area 56,

What characteristics make a good AA leader? Join us at the Area 56 Mini-Conference in Dayton on Sunday March 22. We will talk about what makes a good trusted AA servant.

On Sunday morning, the entire Conference will have an open mic discussion about Leadership in A.A.: Concept 9 in Action. Our Sunday Morning Conversation will take place immediately following the Sunday morning voting session, if it is needed. It will be followed by the “Ask It Basket” and the Mini-Conference Wrap up. Please join us.

I have been assigned to the Conference Committee on Trustees. The largest part of my Committee work will be discussing the resumés and applica-tions of the candidates for West Central Regional Trustee and Western Canada Regional Trustee and the candidates for AA World Service Board of Di-rectors and AA Grapevine Board of Directors. Much of my committee background is confidential and I cannot share it with you. I am part of the pro-cess of choosing leaders for AA. I’d like your input on what you believe are important elements that a good AA leader needs.

You will find the pamphlet: “The Twelve Concepts Illustrated,” in the packet you receive when you arrive. Concept 9 talks about leadership in AA. It outlines the importance of Leadership in AA and defines certain characteristics of a good AA leader. Please read it in preparation for the Sunday Morn-ing Conversation. If you have a service manual, Bill W.’s essay “Leadership in AA: Ever a Vital Need,” will be enormously helpful to read as well. It is found in the explanation of Concept 9.

I hope to have an informative discussion. Leaders in AA, from Group Chairpersons and General Ser-vice Representative to our Directors and Trustees, all ensure that the doors of AA will remain open for the next generation of alcoholics desperate for the solution. I look forward to hearing what you have to share.

With Gratitude and Love,
Nancy F., Delegate

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