AA Area 56
Connecting Southwest Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous groups to AA as a whole and to the wider community
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Area 56 Service
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What we do & How We Do It
What we do and how we do it is defined in our Area 56 Service Handbook. Below you’ll find the contents of our handbook. A.A. Legacy of Service 2 Area 56 Mission Statement 3 Introduction to Area 56 – Welcome to Southwest Ohio Area 56 5 Area Assemblies 5 Area Committee 6 Area 56 Trusted…
General Service Conference (GSC) Proposed Agenda Item Submission Form
Any member of Alcoholics Anonymous may submit an agenda item for the General Service Conference. Of course, it carries much more weight when it comes from a group, district or area. However, they do get read and anyone can make a difference. If you wish to submit an item for the General Service Conference please…
Do you know people who know people ??
PI/CPC S.O.L.D. Project …. Service Opportunity, Literature Distribution Your help is needed to make contact with people in the professional community who are willing to receive and make use of A.A. literature for their clients or co-workers or students. In coordination with the PI/CPC Committee Chairperson, the literature will be distributed, in person or by…
Grapevine PowerPoint Presentation Video
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