AA Area 56
Connecting Southwest Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous groups to AA as a whole and to the wider community
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Delegate’s Report
February 25, 2023, Area 56 Assembly On Thursday, January 26, 2023, I flew to New York to attend the General Service Board Weekend. This is an honor given only to Delegate Conference Committee Chairs. The other chairs came from California, Wyoming, Tennessee, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Kansas City and three from Canada. We stayed at…
Delegate Report
Hello Area 56! The following is what I reported at our Assembly on Saturday, September 17, 2022. Thank you for allowing me to be your Panel 72 Delegate! The 2023 40th Annual Mini-Conference will be held March 17-19 at the Miami Valley Centre Mall in Piqua, Ohio. The Comfort Inn is connected to the mall. The rates are very reasonable…
We need you, and you need us—Reflections on the 2022 Ohio State Convention
August 9, 2022 I was preparing for my trip to Columbus for the 2022 Ohio State AA General Service Convention when I received a call from a friend who has been newly sober just a few short months after a relapse looking for some adventure either at the Rule 62 Conference or the Ohio State…
GSC Proposed Agenda Item Submission Form
07-11-2021_Standardized G.S.C. Proposed Agenda Item Submission Form (English) 07-11-2021_Standardized G.S.C. Proposed Agenda Item Submission Form (Spanish)
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