AA Area 56
Connecting Southwest Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous groups to AA as a whole and to the wider community
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Area 56 Service
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Dark Districts, Redistricting, and Area Boundaries Presented April 9th, 2006
Hello, friends. I’ve been asked to share on these topics from my experience as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, having served as a District Committee Member, and Delegate for Southwest Ohio Area 56. The term, Dark Districts comes from a recent lengthy article published in Box 459 (Vol 52, No 1/ Feb/Mar 2006) by…
Benefits of Your Group Being Listed at GSO
(GSO, Area, District, Intergroup) Get Box 459 every other month Have your group listed in Eastern US Directory Have a voice in AA as a whole Get the benefit of the shared experience, strength and hope of 600 groups that are within our area Be connected to thousands of groups across the country Have available…
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