AA Area 56

Connecting Southwest Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous groups to AA as a whole and to the wider community

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Area 56 Service

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  • Service is not work – Service is an opportunity

      I recently heard a great analogy about being in A.A; it is like having a RV trailer.  In the trailer, you’ve got your home group, your sponsor and sponsees, A.A. meetings, the Grapevine and all the A.A. events you regularly attend.  Life is good.  In the back of the trailer is a door that…

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  • Rotation, Our Spiritual Principle

                Now that I’m finishing my second year as delegate and I am finally comfortable in my role, it is time to leave.  It has been said a thousand times before, by the time you understand your new A.A. position, it is time to rotate.  So, why do we practice such an inefficient policy as…

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  • Informed Group Conscience

    HOW TO REACH AN INFORMED GROUP CONSCIENCE Keep the following statements in mind: Responsibility Declaration I am responsible… when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible. A.A. 30th Anniversary Convention, Toronto 1965 ============================================== A Declaration of Unity This we owe…

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  • Delegates Diary

                What an exciting and productive 61st General Service Conference I was honored to attend this year.  As a 2nd year delegate, I was elated to see staff, Trustees and Panel 60 friends from last year, as well as meet new Panel 61 friends.  Checking in, knowing what was expected and feeling more confident at…

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