AA Area 56
Connecting Southwest Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous groups to AA as a whole and to the wider community
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Area 56 Service
Recent Posts
Interactive Area Maps Are Online
Have you ever wondered in which District your home group is? An interactive Area 56 Map is now online that can help you figure it out. It was developed by the Communications Committee using Google My Maps and includes boundaries or push pins for all of the Area Districts. You can interact with the map…
Important Information from Our Delegate
Rotation, Our Spiritual Principle
Now that I’m finishing my second year as delegate and I am finally comfortable in my role, it is time to leave. It has been said a thousand times before, by the time you understand your new A.A. position, it is time to rotate. So, why do we practice such an inefficient policy as…
Informed Group Conscience
HOW TO REACH AN INFORMED GROUP CONSCIENCE Keep the following statements in mind: Responsibility Declaration I am responsible… when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible. A.A. 30th Anniversary Convention, Toronto 1965 ============================================== A Declaration of Unity This we owe…
Delegates Diary
What an exciting and productive 61st General Service Conference I was honored to attend this year. As a 2nd year delegate, I was elated to see staff, Trustees and Panel 60 friends from last year, as well as meet new Panel 61 friends. Checking in, knowing what was expected and feeling more confident at…
Dark Districts, Redistricting, and Area Boundaries Presented April 9th, 2006
Hello, friends. I’ve been asked to share on these topics from my experience as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, having served as a District Committee Member, and Delegate for Southwest Ohio Area 56. The term, Dark Districts comes from a recent lengthy article published in Box 459 (Vol 52, No 1/ Feb/Mar 2006) by…
Upcoming Events
- Central Office (operates a bookstore and offers walk-in, telephone and email support to people seeking information about Alcoholics Anonymous)
- Archives (preserves local AA history)
- Unity (monthly publication of area information for AA members)
- Public Information and Professional Relations (provides speakers, etc. to non-AA groups or institutions)
- Corrections (provides services to prison inmates and judicial programs)
- Treatment Facilities (sponsors meetings in treatment facilities and provides contact for persons leaving treatment programs)
- Special Needs (handicapped accessible meetings available)
- Hearing Impaired (provides ASL services to hearing impaired members upon request)
- Mobile Meetings (provides meetings to homebound members)
- General Service Representative (coordinates with other Intergroups)
- Grapevine and Literature (provides information about literature available to members and groups)
- Special Events (annual spring banquet and fall breakfast)
- Membership (introduces new Intergroup Representatives to Intergroup purpose, structure and activities)
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Greater Cincinnati Intergroup Council Meeting
We meet the 2nd Monday every month, except there is no intergroup meeting in July.
- New Rep Orientation @ 7:00 PM
- Intergroup Meeting @ 7:30 PM
- 2nd Monday of Each Month
Our Area Delegate will attend this event, contact the delegate to get more information about this conference.
Greater Cincinnati Intergroup Council Meeting
We meet the 2nd Monday every month, except there is no intergroup meeting in July.
- New Rep Orientation @ 7:00 PM
- Intergroup Meeting @ 7:30 PM
- 2nd Monday of Each Month
Dayton Intergroup is an association of representatives from any official AA meeting within its area. The area covered is Xenia, Ohio west to the Indiana State line. The southern border runs through Middletown. The area extends north to Troy. Within this area there are more than 400 meetings per week at 160 locations.
The purpose of Intergroup is to support the activities of the individual groups through committees:
- Central Office (operates a bookstore and offers walk-in, telephone and email support to people seeking information about Alcoholics Anonymous)
- Archives (preserves local AA history)
- Unity (monthly publication of area information for AA members)
- Public Information and Professional Relations (provides speakers, etc. to non-AA groups or institutions)
- Corrections (provides services to prison inmates and judicial programs)
- Treatment Facilities (sponsors meetings in treatment facilities and provides contact for persons leaving treatment programs)
- Special Needs (handicapped accessible meetings available)
- Hearing Impaired (provides ASL services to hearing impaired members upon request)
- Mobile Meetings (provides meetings to homebound members)
- General Service Representative (coordinates with other Intergroups)
- Grapevine and Literature (provides information about literature available to members and groups)
- Special Events (annual spring banquet and fall breakfast)
- Membership (introduces new Intergroup Representatives to Intergroup purpose, structure and activities)
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary
This is when we prepare for the Area56 Mini-Conference. All GSR’s in Area 56 are welcome to participate in all Area 56 assemblies which occur 4 times a year.
Greater Cincinnati Intergroup Council Meeting
We meet the 2nd Monday every month, except there is no intergroup meeting in July.
- New Rep Orientation @ 7:00 PM
- Intergroup Meeting @ 7:30 PM
- 2nd Monday of Each Month
Dayton Intergroup is an association of representatives from any official AA meeting within its area. The area covered is Xenia, Ohio west to the Indiana State line. The southern border runs through Middletown. The area extends north to Troy. Within this area there are more than 400 meetings per week at 160 locations.
The purpose of Intergroup is to support the activities of the individual groups through committees:
- Central Office (operates a bookstore and offers walk-in, telephone and email support to people seeking information about Alcoholics Anonymous)
- Archives (preserves local AA history)
- Unity (monthly publication of area information for AA members)
- Public Information and Professional Relations (provides speakers, etc. to non-AA groups or institutions)
- Corrections (provides services to prison inmates and judicial programs)
- Treatment Facilities (sponsors meetings in treatment facilities and provides contact for persons leaving treatment programs)
- Special Needs (handicapped accessible meetings available)
- Hearing Impaired (provides ASL services to hearing impaired members upon request)
- Mobile Meetings (provides meetings to homebound members)
- General Service Representative (coordinates with other Intergroups)
- Grapevine and Literature (provides information about literature available to members and groups)
- Special Events (annual spring banquet and fall breakfast)
- Membership (introduces new Intergroup Representatives to Intergroup purpose, structure and activities)
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary