Our 41st Annual Area 56 Mini-Conference is “in the books” and from my perspective and others, it was a resounding success!

THANK YOU to all who attended our event and to all who worked to prepare the event.  Thank you all for your time!  Thank you for your energy, both physical and mental!  Thank you for providing me with your thoughts and opinions on the agenda items that were discussed.  Perhaps most importantly, thank you for providing our Area’s group conscience on those items that were voted on.  As Delegate, your work prepares me for the upcoming 74th Annual General Service Conference held from April 12 to April 20.

We considered, discussed, or reviewed 24 Agenda Items.  Topics ranged from the 5th Edition Big Book, the Plain Language Big Book, new pamphlets for production, revising current pamphlets, A.A.’s website, podcast and YouTube channel, AAWS Instagram account, topics for the 2025 conference theme and presentations, future Grapevine books for publication, Bridging the Gap material, Self-Support packet material, plus participation of online groups.

We received a General Service Office report from Staff Member, Patrick C.  He is currently the 2025 International Convention Coordinator and provided information on that upcoming BIG event.  In addition, our East Central Regional Trustee, Cathi C., attended and advised on topics and answered questions.  Both Patrick and Cathi shared their personal stories. 

Please plan to attend our June 29th UNITY DAY Assembly when you will hear my full report of my experiences from my first, but A.A.’s 74th General Service Conference.

Service is where the fun starts!

Warren G.

Area 56 Delegate, Panel 74, SW Ohio

Conference Committee on Literature 





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