District 28 Meeting

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January 21, 2023 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Deerfield United Methodist Church
2757 West U.S. Route 22 Maineville
OH  45039
District 28

The District 28 Committee Meeting is held on the third Saturday of every month that the Area Assembly does not meet. We meet at 2pm, and any GSR or interested AA member is encouraged to attend. All District meetings begin at 2pm.

When not on Zoom, the District 28 Committee meets in Landen at the following address: Deerfield United Methodist Church 2757 West U.S. Route 22 (Ohio State Route 3) Maineville, OH  45039


District 28 Border. From the intersection of I-275 and I-75, North on I-75 to SR 73, East on SR 73 to the Warren-Clinton county border, South on the Warren-Clinton county border to the Warren-Clinton -Clermont county border, East on the Clermont-Clinton county border to the Brown-Clinton county border, East on the Brown-Highland county border, South on the Brown-Highland county border to SR 32, West on SR 32 to I-275, North on I-275 to the start point.