Area 56 held its 3rd Assembly of the year today.  In addition to Officer Reports, DCM Reports, Committee Chair Reports and discussion on the Budget and Calendar for 2025, we also took inventory.  We did this by the ‘divide and conquer’ method.  We broke up into small groups, addressed one question per group and then had a spokesperson share our insights.  As Delegate, I learned that we need to be more proactive in attracting folks to our Area meetings.  Other insights will be enacted by our Area Chair/Alternate Delegate, Jon S.

Distributed to all who attended was the 2024 Final Report detailing the

74th Annual Meeting of the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Theme: “Connecting with Love, Unity and Service”.  The report is also available on in pdf format at no cost.  Advisory Actions (Pg 36-39), Committee Considerations (Pg 40), Area Contributions to GSO (P 130, 131), among other information, is contained in this booklet.  The Final Report lets us know what is happening in A.A. as a whole.    

Take a look at  On display is a new interactive map showing the geographical boundaries of the Districts in Area 56.  This was designed by a long-time active member of our Communications Committee.  Type in the address of your HomeGroup meeting and it will give you the District it’s in.  This knowledge can steer you to your DCM and ultimately keep you connected within A.A.’s service structure.

Next Assembly is Saturday, December 14, from 10AM to 2PM.  We meet at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 470 S. Gebhart Church Rd., Miamisburg, OH.  Mark your calendar.  In addition to valuable information about our beloved fellowship, you will be served a tasty lunch by our Hospitality Committee!              

Service is where the fun starts! 

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