Area 56:

Push-ups are great exercise to build overall strength.  I can do 10 of them!  Feel free to challenge me the next time you see me.  (“Drop & Do 10 Warren G.”).  

As Delegate I am responsible to strengthen our communications channel from our General Service Board to the Groups in Area 56.    To that end, I am sending “Push-Up Emails” to Area 56 Trusted Servants.  

Think of the Upside-Down Triangle.  You can find it on page 3 in the A.A. Service Manual.  Here is the communications channel:  

  • An email from the General Service Board is distributed (or pushed up)  to the General Service Conference.  The General Service Conference is made up of 93 Areas in the USA and Canada.  Area 56, Southwest Ohio, is one Area and I am one of 93 Area Delegates that receives the email.  
  • As Delegate, I forward (or push up) that email to the next level above me, the Area 56 Assembly and Districts to the Area 56 Trusted Servants.  The Trusted Servants that I am referring to are AAs that have committed to a General Service position with Area 56.  
  • The Area 56 Trusted Servants then spread (or push up) the information to the next level above them, the Group GSRs and finally to the A.A. Groups.

Help me get stronger.  Challenge me to do push-ups.  Help me strengthen communication throughout Area 56.  Spread the information contained in my “Push-Up Emails”!

Service is where the fun starts!                                                    

Warren G.

Area 56 Delegate, Panel 74, SW Ohio

Conference Committee on Literature  


Service Material from the General Service Office

For more information about the U.S. and Canada General Service Conference Structure, please see The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service (BM-31).

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