AA Area 56

Connecting Southwest Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous groups to AA as a whole and to the wider community

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Area 56 Service

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  • A New Year, A New Rotation . . .

    Greetings Area 56 friends! I am excited to be your new Alternate Delegate/Area Chair. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I was placed here to serve so I will give it my best! It has been quite an AA journey getting here. Almost 15 years ago I was lying in…

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  • Message from our Delegate . . .

    Hi. My name is Nancy F. and I am your Panel 70 Delegate to the General Service Conference (GSC). In April, I will go to the GSC, carrying the Group Conscience that we will create at the Mini-Conference in March. I will connect Southwest Ohio with the rest of AA in the U.S. and Canada….

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  • District Boundaries in Area 56

    District 01: From the intersection of I-275 and the Indiana-Ohio border, Northeast on I-275 to I-74, East on I-74 to I-75, South on I-75 to the Ohio River, West on the Ohio River to the Indiana border, North on the Indiana border to the start point. District 02: From the intersection of I-75 and the…

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  • Box 459 Group Business Meeting Where AA Service

    Slide 2

    The Group Business Meeting: Where A.A. Service Begins Reprinted from Feb./Mar. 1990 issue of Box 4-5-9. The 85,000 groups comprising A.A. today [108,000 in 2011] hold what co-founder Bill W. called “the ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services.” But where does this ever-lengthening chain of responsibility begin? Who has the authority to…

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