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Group Business Meeting: Where A.A. Service Begins
Reprinted from Feb./Mar. 1990 issue of Box 4-5-9. The 85,000 groups comprising A.A. today [108,000 in 2011] hold what co-founder Bill W. called “the ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services.” But where does this ever-lengthening chain of responsibility begin? Who has the authority to make it happen? The entire structure of…
Box 459 A.A.’s Twelve Concepts for World Service
Looking back from the vantage point of over 75 years, it can be difficult to imagine how uncertain A.A.’s existence was in its early days. Difficult problems related to money, property and prestige plagued the early members and the question of how this group of alcoholics could best get along and carry their message to…
Delegate’s Corner September 2024 An Example of an Elder Statesman
Recently, a senior member of my Home Group asked for a “business meeting” of Home Group members to discuss something that was on his mind ~ was our Group fulfilling A.A.’s primary purpose? Were we doing our best, as a Group, to reach out to the alcoholic s ll suffering? My Home Group is a…
Grapevine – Read > Return > Share Program
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Benefits of Your Group Being Listed at GSO
(GSO, Area, District, Intergroup) Get Box 459 every other month Have your group listed in Eastern US Directory Have a voice in AA as a whole Get the benefit of the shared experience, strength and hope of 600 groups that are within our area Be connected to thousands of groups across the country Have available…